Cherub roses metal light for 1 switch rocker plate cover

SKU: 4f9dafe95d54


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Product details

Made possible by exploring innovative molded plywood techniques, Iskos-Berlin’s Soft Edge Chair blends strong curves with extreme lightness to create a three-dimensionality not usually possible with 2-D plywood.


Cherub on right

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Choose right or left side for the cherub and roses. Beginning with a metal victorian antique french replica switch plate with 1 switch holes. I added my cherub and roses and leaves made of resin. Fixed with jb weld glue. Filled around the added roses and cherub decoration, then Primed, painted and then gold, finally sealed with clear coat.

I could create a whole set depending on my ability to source the switch plate that fits your outlets.

41/4” wide x 6 1/4” tall x 2” deep
Weighs 14oz

Light switch, rocker, plate
good to use in the bedroom, bathroom, walls any part of your home. screws will be provided. Gift for Christmas, xmas, Valentines Day, for her, ladies, woman, girl, baby, Grandmother Aunt Female Feminine. lighting.

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